Master Tse’s Qigong Dao #103

Teacher and Student

Master Tse and Grandmaster Yang Meijun

Master Tse and Grandmaster Yang Meijun

In traditional Chinese teaching, teachers and students were very close, like father and son. Even if the teacher was a lady the relationship was still like father and son and not like a mother and son.  The relationship was one of respect and care. The teacher would treat the student like they were one of their own children, looking after them and educating them. Sometimes they would be strict and sometimes they would be loving. Students would also treat their teacher like a parent, like their father. So they would listen, follow and respect them very much so that they could not only learn their teacher skill, but also become a useful person in Society. Of course a well-known teacher has more students, so junior students respected the senior students, like an elder brother or sister. The whole teaching relationship was like a family so that all could benefit. The teacher would be respected and he or she would use their skills to help society, the students would learn the skill and would carry on their teacher’s job. Whoever did not respect the teacher and listen and did not work hard to master skill would not be respected and had a good position in society.


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