Master Tse’s Qigong Dao 211

Foot Yang Ming Stomach Jing 足陽明胃經

Foot Yang Ming Stomach Jing 足陽明胃經

The last Jing we looked at was the Hand Yang Ming Large Intestine Jing 手陽明大腸經, and the last acupuncture point on this Jing was the Yinxiang Point 迎香穴 by the side of the nostril. This Jing then flows into the Foot Yang Ming Stomach Jing 足陽明胃經. This starts in the head from the Yinxiang post it passes to the Touwei Point 頭維穴. In total it passes through forty-five acupuncture points to the Lidui Point 歷兑穴 on the second toe. In runs on both sides of the body and so there are ninety points, but we need to lean forty-five. If we can learn twenty points each week and at the same time we can learn the location of ten points each week then after three weeks we will learn all of them. The forty-five points are:

  1. Chengqi 承泣
  2. Sibai 四白
  3. Juliao 巨髎
  4. Dicang 地倉
  5. Daying 大迎
  6. Jiache 頰車
  7. Xiaguan 下關
  8. Touwei 頭維
  9. Renying 人迎
  10. Shuitu 水突
  11. Qishe 氣舍
  12. Quepen 缺盆
  13. Qihu 氣戶
  14. Kufang 庫房
  15. Wuyi 屋翳
  16. Yingchuang 膺窗
  17. Ruzhong 乳中
  18. Rugen 乳根
  19. Burong 不容
  20. Chengman 承满
  21. Liangmen 梁門
  22. Guanmen 關門
  23. Taiyi 太乙
  24. Huaroumen 滑肉門
  25. Tianshu 天樞
  26. Wailing 外陵
  27. Daju 大巨
  28. Shuidao 水道
  29. Guilai 歸來 (归来)
  30. Qichong 氣沖
  31. Biguan 髀關
  32. Futu 伏兔
  33. Yinshi 阴市
  34. Liangqiu 梁丘
  35. Dubi 犊鼻
  36. Zusanli 足三里
  37. Shangjuxu 上巨虛
  38. Tiaokou 條口
  39. Xiajuxu 下巨虛
  40. Fenglong 豐隆
  41. Jiexi 解谿
  42. Chongyang 沖陽
  43. Xiangu 陷谷
  44. Neiting 内庭
  45. Lidui 厲兌

Be patient and do our homework every day, repeat the Jing we have already learnt and then learn the new one. After a year, or even less, then we will know all the points’ names and locations.

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