Master Tse’s Qigong Dao #106

Building a Good Relationship with the Teacher

When we go to a class to study, the one thing we want to do is learn. Of course, in the beginning we might not know how could the teacher is so we just try it out.  If we find the teacher has good skill which we would like to know, the teacher is a decent person,  teaches genuine skill, does not hold the skill back and also the students are good, then we are lucky to have found such a teacher. Of course the teacher is still human and can still make mistakes and as students we also make so many mistakes.

However, once we know the teacher is good, then the next thing we should do is keep going to class.  Then we need to get to know the teacher better and so to do this we need to make more contact, for example help out the teacher in class by getting the room ready, help personally usually with small things like giving them a lift to the station, remembering their birthday and bringing a birthday card and a small present, or taking them out for tea or even dinner. These things will slowly help build up the relationship and then when we are close to the teacher and have built up a good relationship he or she will eventually teach you everything.


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