Master Tse’s Qigong Dao 215

Foot Tai Yang Urinary Bladder Jing 足太陽膀胱經

After having two weeks to refresh and review the first six jing, we now need to make sure we can remember them every week as we also continue to learn the new ones. We need to learn from the Hand Tai Yin Lung Jing 手太陰肺經 the to the Foot Jue Yin Liver Jing 足厥陰肝經, all twelve jing.

Foot Tai Yang Urinary Bladder Jing 足太陽膀胱經

The next one we need to look at is the Foot Tai Yang Urinary Bladder Jing 足太陽膀胱經.  This is the longest and has the most acupuncture points, in total 134 points which means 67 points on each side of the body.  This is more than the 64 Gua! However, if we are patient we can still remember all of them and the shortest time we will need is 22 days. This jing is strongest between three 3-5 pm. The last point of the last jing, Hand Tai Yang Small Intestine Jing 手太陽小腸經 , was the Tinggong Point 聽宮穴 by the ear. From here the Qi flows across to the Jingming Point 睛明穴 near the eye, and then to the top of the head, flowing down the back, to the back of the leg finally reaching the Zhiyin Point 至陰穴 on the little toe.

The points are:

  1. 睛明 Jingming
  2. 攢竹 Zanzhu
  3. 眉衝 Meichong
  4. 曲差 Quchai
  5. 五處 Wuchu
  6. 承光 Chengguang
  7. 通天 Tongtian
  8. 絡卻 Luoque
  9. 玉枕 Yuzhen
  10. 天柱 Tianzhu
  11. 大杼 Dazhu
  12. 風門 Fengmen
  13. 肺俞 Feishu
  14. 厥陰俞 Jueyinshu
  15. 心俞 Xinshu
  16. 督俞 Dushu
  17. 膈俞 Geshu
  18. 肝俞 Ganshu
  19. 膽俞 Danshu
  20. 脾俞 Pishu
  21. 胃俞 Weishu
  22. 三焦俞 Sanjiaoshu
  23. 腎俞 Shenshu
  24. 氣海俞 Qihaishu
  25. 大腸俞 Dachangshu
  26. 關元俞 Guanyuanshu
  27. 小腸俞 Xiaochangshu
  28. 膀胱俞 Pangguangshu
  29. 中膂俞 Zhonglushu
  30. 白環俞 Baihuanshu
  31. 上髎 Shangliao
  32. 次髎 Ciliao
  33. 中髎 Zhongliao
  34. 下髎 Xialiao
  35. 會陽 Huiyang
  36. 承扶 Chengfu
  37. 殷門 Yinmen
  38. 浮郄 Fuxi
  39. 委陽 Weiyang
  40. 委中 Weizhong
  41. 附分 Fufen
  42. 魄戶 Pohu
  43. 膏肓俞 Gaohuangshu
  44. 神堂 Shentang
  45. 譩譆 Yixi
  46. 膈關 Geguan
  47. 魂門 Hunmen
  48. 陽綱 Yanggang
  49. 意舍 Yishe
  50. 胃倉 Weicang
  51. 肓門 Huangmen
  52. 志室 Zhishi
  53. 胞肓 Baohuang
  54. 秩邊 Zhibian
  55. 合陽 Heyang
  56. 承筋 Chengjin
  57. 承山 Chengshan
  58. 飛陽 Feiyang
  59. 跗陽 Fuyang
  60. 昆侖 Kunlun
  61. 僕參 Pucan
  62. 申脈 Shenmai
  63. 金門 Jinmen
  64. 京骨 Jinggu
  65. 束骨 Shugu
  66. 足通谷 Zutonggu
  67. 至陰 Zhiyin
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