Master Tse’s Qigong Dao #43
Don’t Let things Affect Us
When we practice Qigong we should focus on relaxation and not the mind. The mind should be relaxed and empty, we should just focus on our movements, without any visualisation or imagination. Our eyes should be open while we move although we do not stare intensely at anything. If we do not do this then we can create too much sensitivity in the body and then we can overthink everything. To be healthy we should not be too sensitive or overly insensitive. That is why the taiji symbol is 50% Ying and 50% Yang, this is perfect balance and this is what we want and need for good health. Also we should be able to turn off our sensitivity and our thoughts when we find they are bothering us. For example if we are staying in a room and there is too much noise outside and you cannot leave that room, you need to be able to ignore it. Of course there is still sound around us but you will not be bothered by it so much. It is the same situation if something is bothering and hurting our feelings. You know it is not good to think about that because it will affect your health. So we should be able to turn it off and not think too much. When practising Qigong we need to learn relaxation and to empty the mind. Then overtime we will be able to build up this ability.
Michael Tse
I am so happy to read your posts each week but this one especially resonated with me. I find it hard to quiet my mind but am working at it every day. I have be practising Qigong for three years and have been thinking lately of starting hard qigong. This weeks post ( #45) is very timely. I am becoming aware of needing more strength training since I am focusing more on Qigong and gave up the aerobic/strength class that does not suit me anyone. Thank you so much for these wise words.!
Thank you Sifu for this and other articles, I have found the calm advice in this one, no 43, very helpful amidst all the change and political instability in the UK at the moment.Most important is just to concentrate on being relaxed and healthy and have a good heart whatever happens. Best regards Yvonne Dixon.